OCRA Tabletop MRI System Status Update 2024

Hello OCRA and Tabletop community, in this blog I will share the actual development status of the OCRA Tabletop MRI System hardware and the OCRA/Relax2.0 software. The 2024 OCRA Tabletop MRI System hardware development was mainly driven by the AgriPETMRI project at the Research Campus STIMULATE, were I work as leader for the MR System…

A4IM OSI² STM32L476RGT compute module

Hello OCRA, Tabletop and OSI² community, In this blog post I want to share my micro controller STM32L476RGT compute module for the OSI² 2MHz Halbach MRI as part of the A4IM project. The module will be used for the open-source SAR hardware monitor to sample the applied RF power, calculate the running averages and switch…

Relax2.0, a graphical user interface for OCRA

Hello OCRA and Tabletop community, In this blog post, I will share the news about the first GitHub publication of my Relax2.0 graphical user interface (GUI) for OCRA. Relax2.0 is based on the original OCRA server for the Red Pitaya by Thomas Witzel and the PyQt GUI Relax by David Schote. Relax2.0 can be downloaded…

OCRA1 – SPI controlled 4 channel 18bit DAC and RF Attenuator

Hello OCRA Community, I would like to introduce you to one of the core elements of our OCRA Tabletop MRI console, the OCRA1. It’s a peripheral printed circuit board (PCB) that extends a Red Pitaya to a basic MRI console. All its components are controlled with the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) bus given by the…