What started in a little corner of my tiny Boston apartment, and then later advanced with the help of numerous students that shall be listed soon on this page has now become a project bigger than just my hobby, with users and contributors in both Europe and the USA.
In order to keep the community updated about all the amazing work people are planning to do with OCRA, or are already actively pursuing, we have decided to start a blog. The vision of this blog is primarily to show and discuss new developments on the OCRA project, showcases of projects using OCRA, but also to discuss and write about both scientific experiments and educational modules involving NMR/MRI (with or without the use of OCRA).
In that spirit, the blogging shall begin!
Welcome, everyone and a big Thank You in advance to all the future contributors!
I have been working on development of table-top NMR equipments for students lab. at Kindai university in Japan. I have published two papers so far: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1090780718301745 and https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1090780716302713.
I would like to introduce the OCRA program to my project. However, I have a trouble to run it on my redpitaya board. Couldn’t you explain a little bit more details than in https://openmri.github.io/ocra/installation ?
I did
(0) put ocra directory which is a part of files downloaded in this page to /opt/redpitaya/www/apps.
(1) set a static IP address
(2) cat pulsed_nmr_planB_05192018.bit > /dev/xdevcfg
(3) ./mri_lab_rt 60 32200
(4) python runMRI.py
I got “connection is refused” message.
What is wrong in my operations ? Couldn’t you help me ?
OK, my problem was simple.
It did not work because the web server was running. After stopping it (with the command: systemctl stop redpitaya_nginx.service), the OCRA program started to work.